With your support, Louis and his friends can thrive all year round

£5 could fund vegetable seeds
providing a focus and interest for many months and the satisfaction of harvesting homegrown produce

£25 could provide the tools
which enable people to learn new skills, whilst increasing their strength, fitness and confidence levels

£50 could help maintain farm buildings
providing a place where people with learning disabilities can thrive, now and in the future
‘Louis could spend all morning with the animals. They’re his therapy'
– Claire Moore, social farm manager at Botton Village

Our social farms and gardens can be life-changing for people with learning disabilities and other support needs. Learning traditional farming skills, making new friends, increasing fitness and self-confidence are just some of the benefits.
Will you give a gift today, so that people like Louis can enjoy attending our social farm all year round?

All our communities have gardens or nature-based activities, with many growing their own fruit and vegetables. Botton Village, Larchfield Community and Grange Village have larger gardens and working farms.
After two years of repeated lockdowns and social distancing, opportunities to spend time in nature are more important than ever. This is true for all of us, but especially for people with learning disabilities who were more likely to feel lonely and isolated during the pandemic.
Social care funding doesn’t cover the full costs of our programme of day opportunities. We’re only able to keep our farms and gardens running thanks to the generosity of our supporters.