
Our Services

Adult learning disability services and support

There are nine Camphill Village Trust communities across England, each in its own unique setting. From rural Botton Village and Oaklands Park to the hustle and bustle of Stourbridge and Delrow, all our centres and services exist to provide a life of opportunity for adults with learning and other disabilities. We also have a Shared Lives scheme based in the West Midlands.

Supported living and day opportunity providers

We are supported living providers of adult social care for those with learning disabilities, autism, mental ill-health and complex needs; we offer shared living with support staff, independent housing with comprehensive back up support and accommodation with support. We also offer a wide variety of day opportunities, available to the people we support and the wider, local communities. Our day opportunities offer a variety of different workshops from farms, gardens, craft workshops, café, shops and food and other production enterprises. Their main purpose is to provide sustainability and an opportunity for all community members to contribute. We also offer supported work experience, training and courses from retail to catering; these are courses designed around each person.

We hope our day opportunities offer the chance to make friends and build relationships, as well as the chance to learn and develop skills through a range of individual and shared activities from our own established land and craft-based resources through to structured learning and therapeutic programmes, voluntary experience and employment. Join us for a day opportunity once a week or as frequently as you like! 

We are proud to have adopted a co-production culture here at Camphill Village Trust. Co-production is all about supporting our community members to make their own decisions about how they live and the services they want the Trust to provide. 

Additionally, we explore with each person how we can support, encourage and empower them to make informed choices, gain life skills and contribute to society in a way that brings purpose and meaning to them. 

Shared Lives

As well as our communities and day opportunities, we also run a Shared Lives scheme in the West Midlands. This is a type of community support where an adult who requires support or a place to stay moves in with, or frequently visits, the home of an approved Shared Lives Carer.  

Throughout England there are about 12,000 people being supported through Shared Lives. Across Dudley, and the wider Black Country, we currently supervise 65 households who provide arrangements to people with a variety of additional and complex needs. 

Who do we support?

We support adults with learning disabilities, people on the Autistic spectrum, individuals with mental health needs, physical disabilities, and elderly care needs.   

Want to know more?

Get in touch with us if you’re interested in our services, day opportunities or Shared Lives scheme. 

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Our Services