Facts and statistics about learning disabilities
Understanding the prevalence and impact of learning disabilities is crucial to recognising why support is essential. At Camphill Village Trust, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive, and that starts with awareness. This page provides key facts and statistics about learning disabilities, helping to highlight the number of people affected and the importance of creating inclusive communities where everyone can live a life of opportunity.
Adult learning disability stats and facts

1.3 million
There are 1.3 million people with a learning disability in the UK, 950,000 of whom are adults (ONS)

23% of adults
23% of adults with learning disabilities were in paid employment in 2019

around 50%
Around 50% of adults with a learning disability live in the family home

Around 58,000 people with a learning disability are supported by day care services

25-40% of people with a learning disability also experience mental health problems
Autism stats and facts

There are 700,000 people with autism in the UK

23% of adults
23% of adults with learning disabilities were in paid employment in 2019

29% of people with a learning disability are also diagnosed with autism
Social care stats and facts

1.54 million
1.54 million people worked in adult social care in England in 2020/2021

818,000 people received publicly funded long-term social care, primarily in care/nursing homes or in their own homes in 2021/22
Camphill Village Trust key stats and facts 2023/24
We are dedicated to providing the people we support—adults with learning disabilities, autism and mental health problems—with a life full of opportunity, and our key 2023/24 statistics reflect our commitment to making this a reality.

94% of people feel that they are supported to maintain their health

91,585 donations were received

£200,000 was the largest single gift

11 easy read versions of Trust policies were co-designed and developed