
Health & Safety

1. Statement of Intent

Camphill Village Trust (The Trust) aims to promote the health, safety and welfare of all people we support, staff, contractors, volunteers, visitors and members of the public through a commitment to the development of a positive health and safety culture across all our activities.

These include:

  • Community based care and support
  • Day opportunities and workshops
  • Housing and other property
  • Farming and land-based activities
  • Food production

The Trust is committed to complying with all legal health and safety requirements.

2. Employer Responsibilities
  • Manage and continually develop a Health and Safety Management System in line with HS(G)65 Managing for health and safety (3rd Edition) that outlines the Plan, Do, Check, Act approach
  • Establish an effective management structure, with key health and safety responsibilities identified and communicated effectively to staff
  • Ensure employees are trained and understand their legal responsibilities and are competent to deliver health and safety standards appropriate to their role
  • Provide adequate resources to manage health and safety standards effectively
  • Consult and communicate with employees and others (where necessary) on matters affecting their health and safety
  • Undertake risk assessments as required to identify task and work area hazards and evaluate the risk so that appropriate and cost-effective control measures can be implemented
  • Provide a safe and healthy working environment including welfare facilities
  • Ensure that there is effective provision and training in respect of first aid
  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and machinery
  • Ensure the safe handling, storage and use of hazardous substances
  • Establish standards for incident and emergency management
  • Ensure that there are effective processes in place to report and review all accidents that involve occupational injury, ill health, dangerous occurrences and significant near misses including complying with RIDDOR
  • Complete regular health and safety audits and inspections
  • Ensure, where required, that suitable and sufficient health surveillance processes are in place to monitor and identify early signs of work-related ill health in employees exposed to certain health risks
  • Ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to safeguard visitors from risks to their health and safety and ensure they are made aware of the health and safety provisions that may affect them
3. Employee Responsibilities

Health and safety is “everyone’s business” and employees are required to:

  • Take reasonable care of their own safety and the safety of others
  • Co-operate with each other to ensure compliance with any imposed legal duty or requirement
  • Not interfere with or misuse, intentionally or recklessly, anything provided for their safety and welfare
  • Comply with the Trust’s health and safety standards and health and safety rules
  • Report all accidents, incidents and near misses arising out of or in connection with work activity and any hazards and damage to plant or equipment or the work environment
  • Follow any safe working practices specified including any protective clothing and equipment provided in the interests of safety

Health & Safety Key Documents

Health and safety compliance report

Health & Safety