Beginning your journey
Each individual will have a holistic review of the outcomes they wish to achieve each year and may choose from a range of educational units so the outcomes change as the needs and desires of the individual change..
Severnside Skills are suitable for people with a variety of needs and backgrounds such as mental health problems and learning disabilities
- 18 years or older
- Able to work alongside other people or work towards this
New referrals start with an initial visit and a four-week free trial period once placement suitability and funding availability have been established. During the trial period, we will work with individuals to assess their likes and dislikes, establish what their aspirations are, identify the outcomes and educational goals they wish to achieve and assess where they would like to work and where we feel would be most suitable to enable them to reach their full potential.
We also assess and establish if the individual should require any additional support, such as 1:1 support, whether this would be long-term support, or if it is reasonable to withdraw the support once a routine has been established. We are guided by any care plans and information from carers, social workers and family when making this decision.