
A Gift in Your Will

Support us

By including a gift to Camphill Village Trust in your Will, you will be helping someone with learning disabilities, or other support needs to live a life of opportunity.  A life with meaning, purpose, and achievements. A life with kindness, community, and friendship.     

A gift in your Will will bring happiness for years to come.

In 1954, the Trust was founded on a dream of equality and dignity for everyone, regardless of their abilities. Today, legacy gifts from our friends help tomorrow’s dreams come true.

How your gift will help

Gifts in Wills make up around 50% of our voluntary income which funds many things that make the difference between providing the basics of life and offering people a full life with opportunities.

Any gift you choose to leave to Camphill Village Trust in your Will, however large or small, will make a real difference to someone’s life. It will help us meet needs as they arise, respond to new challenges, and develop new services to help more people.

Making a gift in your Will

We are so grateful for whatever gift you may choose to leave after taking care of your own family and friends. There are a few different ways to leave a gift in your Will.

  • A share of your estate – this can be all or a percentage of what remains of your estate after your friends and family have been taken care of, and all debts paid off. One benefit of this type of gift is the value is not eroded by inflation.
  • A specific amount – you can specify particular sums of money you would like your beneficiaries to receive. However, it is important to remember that the value of a specific amount at the time you write your Will and when it is enacted can be significantly lower due to inflation.
  • Donations in memory – many people like the idea of a gift being made to their favourite charity in lieu of flowers. You can name us in your Will for this purpose.
  • Update an existing Will – you don’t need to rewrite your Will to include a gift to Camphill Village Trust. You can ask your solicitor to add a codicil form that makes amendments to your existing Will.

When writing your Will for the first time or updating an existing Will, we recommend consulting a solicitor to ensure your wishes are clearly recorded.

When leaving a gift in your Will please ensure the following information is included:

  • Our full name: The Camphill Village Trust Ltd
  • Our registered charity number: 232402
  • Our registered address: The Kingfisher Offices, 9 Saville Street, Malton YO17 7LL

Telling us

You don’t have to tell us if you do decide to leave a gift in your Will, you may wish to keep this private. But if you are happy to tell us, we would love to know so that we can say thank you and tell you more about how your gift will help.

Get in touch

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about leaving a gift in your Will.

Contact Us
A Gift in Your Will