

From sowing seeds at Ashfield Gardens to Gardeners World!

19th June 2023

From sowing seeds at Ashfield Gardens to Gardeners World!

Ashfield Gardens, Stourbridge Earlier in the year at a local Growing up Green event I...

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Empowering Lives and Embracing Opportunities

15th June 2023

Empowering Lives and Embracing Opportunities

A Social Care Student's Perspective on Camphill Village Stourbridge Community As a social care student...

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A Passion for Social Work and Making a Difference 

15th June 2023

A Passion for Social Work and Making a Difference 

An Interview with Zara In a recent interview with Zara, a dedicated social care student,...

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A Royal visit to remember!

4th May 2023

A Royal visit to remember!

A Royal surprise It was a privilege to be one of six charitable organisations invited...

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Local MP attends Easter lunch at Ashfield Farm & Gardens

18th April 2023

Local MP attends Easter lunch at Ashfield Farm & Gardens

Easter Sunday with Local MP Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb attended a Community Lunch with Camphill...

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“Whoever is matched to Claire and Wez is very lucky indeed”

16th March 2023

“Whoever is matched to Claire and Wez is very lucky indeed”

Camphill Village Trust Shared Lives continues to grow across the region, following a successful approval...

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Ram and Ross reflect on their Shared Lives journey

18th February 2023

Ram and Ross reflect on their Shared Lives journey

A Shared Lives story Ram and wife Nina became Shared Lives carers a year and...

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Botton Village Karate Club adapts as it grows

23rd January 2023

Botton Village Karate Club adapts as it grows

Botton Village Karate Club Almost a year after its launch, Botton Village Karate club continues...

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A trip to Wales for Stephen and Debbie

22nd December 2022

A trip to Wales for Stephen and Debbie

A Welsh adventure In search of adventure, Steven and Debbie from Larchfield Community decided to...

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