
65 years of opportunity appeal

This Christmas, we’re celebrating the fact that Ian is moving on. 

Ian is one of our longstanding residents at Botton Village. He’s a familiar face at the Coffee Bar and the mainstay of the Lego Workshop. But he’s hoping to have moved out by Christmas – and we’re delighted.  

Let me tell you why. Ian has gained so much in skills and confidence in recent years, that he’s ready to get his own place. He’s moving to a house a few miles away from Botton, so he’ll still be cycling to work at the Coffee Bar, and socialising with all his friends – while enjoying the freedom of having a place of his own.

It’s a great opportunity for Ian. And it’s come about thanks to a winning combination: His own hard work and determination.

The support staff who have helped him gain the many skills needed, including cooking and managing money so he can now live independently.

And you. Your generous support for our work means that we can create the opportunities which people like Ian need to reach his full potential.

You see, it’s the blend of personalised support and practical experience he gains from the workshops at Botton Village, which have helped Ian reach this point. And these services cost more to run than we receive in government funding. The difference is made up by our generous donors – people like you.

Your support

If you’d like to pledge your support this Christmas, to help more people like Ian make the most of every opportunity, you can send a cheque made payable to CVT Appeals Fund to our Appeals Office or donate securely online here.

With all our thanks for your support, and our very best wishes for Christmas and New Year.

Download Camphill Village Trust’s Christmas Appeal

Camphill Village Trust – Family Life, Winter 2019

Download Camphill Village Trust – Family Life, Winter 2019

65 years of opportunity appeal