Fresh ideas for spring at Grange Village

Fresh ideas for spring at Grange Village

Spring at Grange Village

The team at Grange Village are bursting with bright ideas to make the most of their outdoor space this year. Peter is planning a rainbow of flowers to bloom all year round.

“We’ve planted sweet peas already,” says Peter. “Next it’s the marigolds and snapdragons.”

The rainbow will be a mixture of annuals and perennials – which means that Peter’s favourites will find a space. “I want to plant some red roses too!” he says.

Peter, and Social Garden Lead Howard, are making lots of other plans for the year ahead too. “We’re going to have a house plant doctor service, so people can bring their tired house plants for some TLC,” says Howard.

There are plans afoot to increase the fruit and vegetable production too so that the gardens at Grange Village and Oaklands Park can provide regular supplies to the café at nearby Taurus Crafts.

Tools and volunteers needed!

To help make this happen, our Gloucester communities need more garden tools – so if you’re in the local area and have any tools you no longer need, you can drop them off at Oaklands Park or Taurus Crafts, or call 01594516551 to find out more about volunteering opportunities.

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