What did you say?

What did you say?

The Power of Language

Another exciting Co-production project is our new video about the power of language, created by community members for National Safeguarding Adults Week.

The video highlights how complex language or jargon from professionals can alienate people with learning disabilities – or anyone who needs extra support.

“I changed my mind and didn’t want to go out,” says Stephen in the video – something any of us might say at any time. But how would it feel if other people then described you as ‘non-compliant’ or ‘showing behaviours that concern’?

Eddie, who also features in the video, explains how this kind of language affects him: “Words like these are too complicated. If I don’t understand, I stop listening because they’re not including me.”

Eddie’s advice to professionals and people supporting him is clear: “Just use plain and simple language like I do. I shouldn’t need someone to explain to me what you’ve said. I AM HUMAN!”

Well done to everyone involved in making ‘What did you say?’

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