

Social and Therapeutic Gardener

Location: Grange Village

Salary: £8.83/hour

Application Deadline: 07/04/2019

The role will be primarily be based at Grange Village where the garden is at the centre of the residential community but could be asked to provide support at Oaklands Park should the need arise. The garden is around an acre in size and houses a large greenhouse for salad crops, propagation greenhouse, potting shed. The garden is accessible for people with a variety of needs working all year round.

The workshop leader will primarily be supporting small groups of people with mixed abilities, some with limited mobility

The garden will focus on supporting people through gardening activity, produce grown will be used to supply the lunches within the community, and also for making preserves as part of the workshop activity.

The garden supports the larger garden at Oaklands Park which runs a veg box scheme that supplies the community, the day placements are involved in propagation and other tasks which link in with the larger production at Oaklands. Any surplus produce from the garden will supplement the veg box scheme.

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Social and Therapeutic Gardener