
Friendship across the generations

After 40 years, Julie is a familiar face around Botton Village. So she’s the ideal person to show Danielle the ropes!

Danielle has been supporting Julie for three years, and the duo have become firm friends, despite the age difference. They both share a sense of fun and friendship, which has been invaluable over the months of lockdown.

Helping each other keep busy

‘I organised a carnival at home,’ says Julie. ‘Danielle supported me to decorate the windows with coloured paper and we dressed up in fancy dress. We’ve been doing karaoke and making our own cocktails too!’

True friends have so much to offer

‘I get quite anxious and worried sometimes,’ admits Julie. ‘Danielle has shown me to count to 10 and take deep breaths, and then we can usually find something to laugh about.’

And it works both ways. ‘I’ve learned to be myself,’ says Danielle. ‘Working with Julie has shown me how to make the most of every moment and enjoy life!’

Friendship across the generations