
Greg can’t beat the feeling

Making music has always been a passion for Greg. And living at Delrow Community has given him a chance to shine.

‘I’ve performed at events at Delrow a few times now – at the regional forum, and the Delrow Festival last year,’ says Greg. ‘I do the vocals, with mine and Temi’s music in the background. Temi’s one of the support workers and he helps me a lot. He’s a musician himself so we’ve got a lot in common,’

Greg making music with support worker Temi

An early interest in music

‘My first musical instrument was a keyboard. I played it every day,’ says Greg. And he didn’t stop there, going on to try his hand at drums, guitar, harmonica and ukulele.

Since moving to Delrow Community, Greg has been learning more about music production. ‘I use a programme called Logic on my laptop,’ continues Greg. ‘You can create your own songs and tune on it, and add different instruments,’

This has led to Greg making music videos, with his own artwork as a backdrop, which he uploads to his YouTube channel.


‘Making music really boosts my mood’

Greg is hoping that Delrow will find a way to hold a socially distanced gig before too long.

‘It’s exciting playing live,’ he says. ‘I enjoy the natural buzz, it makes me feel awesome!’

Greg can’t beat the feeling